I fell off the face of the earth on purpose. The top of foot pain (TOFP) returned and would not let up. I was not going to post complaints and whinings and general verbal diarrhea. I had no idea if I would come out of the woods. As I stated before, I know tendons and ligaments can take up to a year to heal completely, and with the loading running puts on the feet, I should not be surprised if it takes longer than six months for me to be able to run.
I have been stretching and massaging the foot, the Achilles, and the calves for some time. I walked unshod as much as possible. The TOFP did not go away completely, but I have reached diminishing returns in the therapeutic process the last month or more. It is time to begin again, and see if the lingering TOFP is something I can live with. I am walking at first, mostly to build up the soles of my feet for barefoot running. I am cycling for cross-training gains. I will do this for a couple of weeks before I begin running intervals.
I shall post here again after the first intervals...until the next time, take care and run free.